Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I need help delivering back to school supplies this Saturday. We meet at 9am at church. With a little help it goes pretty quickly. By myself it takes a long time! If you think you can help deliver on Saturday give me a call. Thank you!

Monday July 30th is the next lock in. Plan to bring friends, games, movies, snacks and soft drinks. We were going to participate in the prayer breakfast on Tuesday, but there isn't going to be one, so I'll bring breakfast. Let me know if you are coming and how many people you are bringing.

Other upcoming events:
August 3rd Celtic Fest in Dublin, Ohio
August 5th Host Punch Bowl
August 12 Youth Lunch @ Wendy's
August 17-18 ??? Camping Trip


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be there on Sat. morning to help out if you need it (if not I'll help with VBS prep). RAF